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Ocho monos han invadido la calle y están a punto de interactuar con las personas con las que se crucen. En la imagen aparece un mono de color naranja, azul oscuro, rosa, rojo, verde, lila, fucsia y azul claro.

The Monkey Invasion

The Monkey on the Streets

25 November | 18:00 h - 18:20 h

Do you want to live a mutant experience and become a monkey?

A group of people with monkey heads will invade the Moyua roundabout, creating a fusion of art and design. The monkeys will coexist, relate to, and interact with the audience through organic movements; in this way, the public will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in a contemplative atmosphere and reflect on their own perception of the artwork and themselves, thus having a sensory, corporeal, and visual experience.

Subsequently, using the versatility of the space, the spectators will follow the monkeys to a nearby area to continue the adventure, now as active participants. This action will create a social, economic, and tourist impact, and both the monkeys and the participants will explore the boundaries of the place and gain a cultural awareness filled with emotions and feelings that will result in an explosion of colors.

Do you know your most primitive side? 


The Monkey on the Streets is an identity that allows people to connect with their inner monkey, with the most primitive side of the human being. To achieve this, through a participatory dynamic, it provides individuals with an experience of self-awareness and reflection, ultimately aiming for a profound change with the goal of generating social transformation.


Federico Moyua square, 5, 48009 Bilbao, Bizkaia and surrounding streets
Fondo blanco con logotipo en color negro. El logotipo consta de una cabeza de mono diseñada con piezas geométricas (triángulos, cuadrados, rectángulos). Debajo de la cabeza aparecen las palabras EL MONO EN LAS CALLES
Uxue Castrillo es una artista multidisciplinar que crea intervenciones artísticas en eventos. Su logo es un ojo azul que representa la mirada del mundo desde una perspectiva artística.
Zinnia Ediciones se representa a través de la imagen de una flor, con los colores naranja y morado centrales y el negro para sus pétalos de líneas suaves. La flor de Zinnia Ediciones representa a la flor de papel, primera planta nacida en el espacio.   Zinnia Ediciones es el nombre de una asociación destinada a mejorar las estrategias de comunicación que tienen personas y empresas.