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Bideotikan 30"museoa


30" museoa

06 - 26 November | 10:00 h

Bideotikan is a digital art exhibition based on exhibition and dissemination. Its main support are the multiple screens of the city, located in various emblematic places of the city. They are public or private supports or screens placed especially for the event.

Bideotikan proposes recovering screens as a space for digital art, transforming Bilbao into an open virtual gallery, where the avant-garde art is visible to all and where an intelligent and playful conversation can be established with its citizens, tourists and passers-by through art and suggestive audiovisual projects.

Involving short multimedia clips projected on urban screens, Bideotikan aims to offer artists from all over the world an alternative space to share their work, beyond the algorithm wars and the limitations of social media. We want everyone to look up from the mini screens on their smartphones and enjoy the works in a larger format within a shared urban context.

More information about the location of the screens on our website.

City screens
Media Attack