The opening of BBDW23 is an invitation to metaphorically immerse oneself in a reef. A reef is an example of a collaborative ecosystem, proposed by Amalio Rey in ERRESONANTZIA at BBDW22, a theme to articulate the curation of ARTIKULAZIOA.
A reef is a marine concentration composed of an assemblage of different materials, natural or artificial, that forms a habitat conducive to life. An ecosystem where a great diversity of organisms independently contribute to its sustainable and resilient development. An open infrastructure, always in transition, facilitating connection, exchange and collaboration.
BBDW23 aims to become a reef that will be articulated and enriched throughout the week, by the different programme activities and their effects, and the remains of the participants’ interventions. A reef that will be materially represented in the Ensanche Building, functioning as an interactive and evolving container-stage.
In the afternoon, the different agents involved in shaping and invigorating this reef will present their contributions to a process that, in and of itself, has been an exercise in articulation and assembly. From the curatorship, ColaBoraBora will introduce this edition; CRISIS will explain how diatoms give life to visual identity; IED Kunsthal will present the process of working with students to define the structural system that supports the reef; Gheada will present its mediation proposal and invite us to an initial participatory activity. There will be a round table in which different design professionals will compare perspectives and experiences on the idea of articulation: Andrea Petit from Studio Petit Muller, on eco-design, craftsmanship and the circular economy; Arantza Iriarte from Local 4, on a regenerative and activating landscaping of the convivial; Ione Ardaiz from Arantzazulab, on collaborative governance and co-creation ecosystems; and Nora Inoriza from Diaradesign, on the design of current and future strategies, products and services.
During the more informal part of the meeting BOKAT by Etxanobe will provide a show cooking event with the sandwich as an assembly and other snacks on the theme of reef and ecosystem, paired with La Salve beers. And all accompanied by sounds from experimental musician Arketypo, who will provide sounds and textures from Bakio during our immersion.
In short, a kaixo (hello), a presentation, a space for reflection and participation, a moment for meeting and enjoyment, and an invitation to immerse yourself in BBDW23 for the next 10 days!